showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Empire of Steel  Acclaim (Hot-B)1992
[32]***European version
[29]***Japanese version
[27]***Directly from the game box:

It is the age of steel. Mammouth battleships cruise the skies and the military might of the Motorhead Empire rules the day. Only one hope remains ... The Republic of Silverhead. Their Z-01 Zeppelin flying ships. Lightning Bombs and Striker airplanes will reduce Motorhead's flame shooting juggernauts to crumbling hulks of burning metal. It's time to wage the war of the Steel Empire!***This game was also published under the title "Battle Wings" !
The Chaos Engine  Virgin (The Bitmap Brothers)1993Soldiers of Fortune is the U.S. title.

Censored tag applied because of the following:
"The Preacher had his clerical collar removed and was renamed The Scientist." --Wikipedia
This was for the U.S. SoF release.
The Chaos Engine 2 The Bitmap Brothers1994Was never published, only beta version is available. labelimageminimize